As a light switched on in a room makes all the objects visible at one time and not one after the other, but simultaneously—so, too. The higher knowledge of “simultaneous understanding” is likewise instantaneous—and multi-dimensional. It understands inv all directions at the same time! Such is the Theory of “Education from Within”. It is an undeniable fact that the present-day society, which nurtures the younger generation, faces serious shortcomings in terms of moral, ethical, spiritual and Dharmik values. Children are getting alienated from the crucial aspect of personality development through moral and ethical training. Students need to have supple minds that are capable of analytical thinking, while integrating complex core concepts that aid them to evolve as human beings. They need to build an infallible foundation of scientific and technological knowledge, while staying true to their roles in the planet. This is possible through deep levels of determination, focus and concentration, that is enshrined in Gurukul learning. This is the reason why Gurukul systems are considered to be the best places to facilitate a sound learning environment. We at NEELKANTH VIDYAPEETH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL draw our abiding inspiration from the following eloquent lines